Who are behind LTER-LIFE

Who are behind LTER-LIFE

LTER-LIFE is carried out by a team of dedicated researchers and software developers at NIOO-KNAW, NIOZ, UvA, WU and RIVM, supported by teams at Lifewatch VLIC, Wageningen Research, NLeScience Center and DANS-KNAW and under supervision of the steering board. The steering board consists of the principle investigators of the project. Three advisory boards ensure LTER-LIFE is embedded in the Dutch and European scientific, societal and infrastructure networks. 

We are often looking for new people, either for internships, postdocs or research support. These positions are often advertised by the institutes (e.g., internship position at NIOO) and on linkedIn or contact Geerten directly. 

Steering Board

The team

LTER-LIFE is built on three GWIs which are on the Dutch Roadmap for Large Infrastructure: Long-Term Ecosystem Research Netherlands (LTER-NL) carries out and connects time series on long-term ecosystem monitoring within two LTER sites, and makes these data available for research. LTER-NL is part of LTER-Europe, which is on the European ESFRI road map for large infrastructure. National Environmental Monitoring Network (NemNet) runs a national scheme of abiotic monitoring of soils, water and air. LifeWatch develops virtual laboratories to answer fundamental questions on the functioning and resilience of ecosystems. It is part of the European LifeWatch ERIC. LTER-LIFE will lead to, and capitalize on, synergy between these three GWIs.

Supporting Infrastructures

Former Members