LTER-LIFE Experience
LTER-LIFE Experience
LTER-LIFE is developing its infrastructure gradually, step by step. Through the links below you can already have a look at some components as they are being developed. Be aware that some of them are in a early stage or testing phase and will change in the coming months.
Veluwe Metadata Portal
To find and register ecological data collected on the Veluwe
FAIR + Structure Evaluation Tool
To support people in sharing data in a FAIR and structured way, we have created a checklist. Answer a list of questions about the way you have structured and shared your data, and get clear support and suggestions to improve.
A hands-on guide to FAIR and structured ecological data
To visit the hands-on guide to FAIR and structured ecological data without the FAIR+SET tool.
Waddenregister by Datahuis Wadden
The online search engine for Wadden (meta)data
LTER-LIFE postcards
Specific questions where we would appreciate input from you