Advisory Boards
Advisory Boards
LTER-LIFE is supported by three advisory boards: a scientific advisory board, a societal advisory board and an international advisory board. These boards ensure that LTER-LIFE is firmly rooted in the scientific and societal communities in the Netherlands and connected to the various infrastructures supporting research in Europe.
The scientific advisory board consists of:
- Prof. dr Christiaan Both (Groningen University, Chair)
- Dr. Marieke van Katwijk (Radboud University)
- Prof. dr Patrick Jansen (“Utrecht University”)
- Prof. dr Mariet Hefting (VU Amsterdam)
- Prof. dr Jaap van der Meer (WMR/WU)
- Prof. dr Martijn Bezemer (Leiden University)
- Prof. dr Frank Sterck (WUR)
- Prof. dr Bob Su (University Twente)
- Sara Neven (UvA)
The societal advisory board consists of:
- Bram Bregman (PBL, Chair)
- Henrieke Paul (LVVN)
- Linda-Rose Santhagens (RWS)
- Wouter van der Heij (Coalitie Wadden Natuurlijk/Waddenvereniging)
- Petra Ket (NM)
- Claudia Hofstra (SBB)
- Hank Bartelink (LandschappenNL)
- Titia Wolterbeek (Vlinderstichting)
- Louise Vet (Deltaplan Biodiversiteitsherstel)
The international advisory board is still to be established.